Re: DRM doesn't return DBBACKUP tapes from Vault

2001-08-21 00:43:36
Subject: Re: DRM doesn't return DBBACKUP tapes from Vault
From: Anton Gubarkov <Anton.Gubarkov AT SONY DOT RU>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:40:25 +0400

thanks for a hint but... I do not delete volhist. I just queried the
volhistory and saw all my tapes there. I also found out that my copy
storage pool never reclaims and these tapes are never freed and returned
back to scratch state.

Anton Gubarkov.
Tel. +7 095 258 7626
Fax +7 095 258 7650

Known issue.  If you're running a "delete volhist type=dbb todate=-X"
command, and in your "q drm" your DBBackupExpireDays is set to Y, and X is
less than Y, then DRM loses track of the tapes.

You need to adjust it so DRM is calling back the tape before the "delete
volhist" is removing all entries of it.

Nick Cassimatis
nickpc AT DOT com

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