Re: how to get backup-archive client to erase

2001-08-08 07:54:01
Subject: Re: how to get backup-archive client to erase
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 07:54:47 -0400
>    I am researching the use of the ARCHIVE function.  I am looking at page
>259 of the TSM for MVS and OS/290 Administrator's Guide.  It says, 'When a
>users archive files, they can choose to have the backup-archive client erase
>the original files from their workstation after the client archives the
>files.'   After that I can not find out the details of how to make this
>happen 'automatically'.
>Has anybody done this or found the option to make it happen?

The server manuals only briefly mention client operations.  You need to look in
the Backup/Archive Clients manual for the details, where it explains how to
perform archiving and use of the Deletefiles option.
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