Backing up lots of small files

2001-07-31 12:35:40
Subject: Backing up lots of small files
From: Gerald Wichmann <gwichmann AT SANSIA DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 09:37:44 -0700
Has anyone come up with any good strategies on backing up a file server with
millions of small (1KB-10KB) files? Currently we have a system with 50GB of
them that takes about 40 hours to backup. Many of the files change..

I m wondering if anyone has anything in place that works well for this sort
of situation..

Something like this or perhaps something I haven t thought of:

develop script that will tar/compress the files into a single file and back
that single file up daily. Perhaps even search the file system by date and
only backup files that have changed since the last backup (this seems like
it wouldn t be any faster then simply backing them up though)
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