Re: restore/retrieve in different server ** URGENT **

2001-07-20 13:37:45
Subject: Re: restore/retrieve in different server ** URGENT **
From: "Cook, Dwight E" <cookde AT BP DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:37:33 -0500
just make sure you have the same level client on the other server, make sure
the other server is also NT 4, then use the virtualnodename OR just edit the
options file and update the node entry (or add it) with the name of the node
whose data you wish to restore.
NOTE don't let the box perform an incremental with the wrong node name (if
you set it in the option file)
ALSO you have to use the fully qualified "universal" name which will have
the other node's name preceding the drive
you will have to do something like
        restore -subdir=yes \\oldfilename\c$:*  G:\
for example...
