Re: Backing up an NT Domain Controller and the SAM D'base

2001-07-19 07:56:59
Subject: Re: Backing up an NT Domain Controller and the SAM D'base
From: "Foreman, Dan (ETSD, IT)" <Dan.Foreman AT THEHARTFORD DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 07:42:05 -0400
I'm not sure about the PDC, but on member servers
c:\winnt\system32\config\*.* contains registry files and is done by a
Windows API call (I think) and put into the ADSM.SYS directory usually on
C:\.  I have that directory (c:\winnt\system32\config\*.*) in the Exclude
section of the dsm.opt because those files are locked by Windows and that's
what gives you the errors.  To restore it you do restore registry.  Look in
your dsmsched.log file and search for "SAM", it's probably being done, I
think it's done by default.

Dan Foreman
CMS Platform Support
Enterprise Technology Services Department

<mailto:dan.foreman AT thehartford DOT com>

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