Re: Using Scratch Volumes

2001-07-18 03:18:58
Subject: Re: Using Scratch Volumes
From: Jörg Nouvertné <joerg.nouvertne AT WTAL DOT DE>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 09:19:32 +0200
You have to checkin the scratch volumes beforehand, *SM won't ask for them.

Kind regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU]On Behalf Of
> Doug McLauchlan
> Sent: Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2001 03:34
> Subject: Using Scratch Volumes
>      Hi all, up till now I have been defining tapes in storage pools, but
> occasionally I run out of storage in a pool, so the backup fails.
> I want to
> have a pool of scratch tapes available for use by any storage
> pool, so gave
> the "max scratch volumes" a value of 10 in every storage pool,
> then labelled
> a tape but didn't add it to any storage pool. Ran a backup (which
> would fail
> as there was no storage available) and in the actlog received the message
> "ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume
> available"
> and the backup failed. The scratch volume had not been checked into the
> library at this point. I tried again with the scratch volume checked into
> the library and this time it added the scratch volume to the storage pool
> and the backup worked ok. If you are using scratch volumes do they have to
> be checked into the library for them to work or will TSM call for
> a scratch
> to be checked in, or do I need to define all the scratch volumes to a
> scratch pool, and if so how do I do that.
>       We are running TSM Server 3.7.1 on AIX with a
> magstar 3570b12
> automated library.
>       Thanks Doug McLauchlan
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