Re: How to make to inclexcl list to fit my needs???

2001-07-13 14:39:21
Subject: Re: How to make to inclexcl list to fit my needs???
From: "Martin, Jon R." <jrmartin AT KNS DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:40:03 -0400

        I found it a little easier to do setting up a schedule through the
web interface.  I didn't use command line on the client side because I do
not have root access to the server that was having this problem.  From the
command line you can issue.

dsmc i /dir/subdir/*

        This should back up the specified directory, it's subdirectories and
files with disregard to the include exclude list.

        I can see how my first post was misleading.  I hope this works for
