Re: ADSM/HSM migration candidates list

2001-06-14 07:30:20
Subject: Re: ADSM/HSM migration candidates list
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 07:31:19 -0400
>I can't seem to get HSM to generate a candidates list and begin migrating
>files on an AIX 4.3.2 system.  The version of adsm.client.aix42.hsm is
>, one of the most recent ADSM packages.  Anyway, the high migration
>threshold is set below the percent used for the filesystem, Space Management
>is active for the filesystem and we have backed the files...
>ADSM b/a client(even though the MIGREQUIRESBACKUP parameter is set to NO.

Matthew - Is the file system occupied by small files, under 4KB in size?
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