dsm.sys file not being read in aix

2001-06-13 17:55:30
Subject: dsm.sys file not being read in aix
From: "Pace, David K" <DKPace AT PIER1 DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:56:27 -0500
 We updated a dsm.sys file to take out excludes within the 12 hour window
before the scheduled backup.   10 hours later when the backup ran as
scheduled it backed up
 the server but ignored the updates made to the dsm.sys file. Isn't the
dsm.sys file read each time a backup runs?  Is there something I can do to
insure that TSM will
 read the updated dsm.sys file?
       Thoughts?  Ideas? comments?

 Dave Pace
 Pier1 Imports