Re: TSM configuration questions

2001-05-25 10:09:34
Subject: Re: TSM configuration questions
From: Chuck Lam <chuck_lam AT YAHOO DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 07:10:27 -0700
Thank you.  I'll see if I can do that.

--- Sean McNamara <mcnams AT PJM DOT COM> wrote:
> Chuck,
> Chuck,
>         You could make separate disk, tape, and copy
> pools for each OS.
> Sean
> Sean McNamara
> Senior Analyst
> PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
> 955 Jefferson Ave
> Norristown, PA  19403
> (610)666-4206
> (610)666-4285 (fax)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Lam [mailto:chuck_lam AT YAHOO DOT COM]
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 5:21 AM
> Subject: TSM configuration questions
> I am setting up TSM in our shop and I am learning
> as I go. Right now, I have set up a 100GB Disk Pool
> and one Tape Pool and one Tapecopy pool for making
> offsite storage copies.  My questions are:
> If I am doing backups using this configuration, my
> daily backups on NT, Netware, and Unix will all
> first
> go to the disk pool and then migrate to the tape
> pool.
>  Data on the tapes will consist of information from
> all platforms, mixing together, right?  I was
> uncomfortable
> with this data mixing idea.  I called TSM support
> and
> they assured me everything would be alright.
> However,
> If I still want to have tapes consisting of only one
> platform only, are there ways to configure the
> system
> to do that?  My purpose of doing this is to have NT,
> Novell, and Unix System Administrators to handle
> their
> own tapes.
> Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated.
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