Re: Can I send one file to two pools?

2001-05-01 15:51:34
Subject: Re: Can I send one file to two pools?
From: "France, Don G (Pace)" <don.france-eds AT EDS DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 15:37:37 -0400
Have you considered backupsets?  Copy pools get fragmented, backupsets are
more portable (only need TSM client and compatible media technology, but
they're somewhat slow on full-volume restore), image/logical-volume backup
strategy (for fastest restore of file-served volumes)...

Archive for large files (or image backup for smaller files) is the way to go
for consolidated, full-backups - if you are concerned about restore speeds.

There are also various remote-copy techniques for sync'ing a DR hotsite with
my Oracle data base (e.g., transmit archive logs from primary to backup
site, which then applies the logs to its copy of the same data base).

I also have a couple (experimental) single-drive sites that we configured
with two pd's, two nodes - one for even-days, one for odd-days.  So each
tape pool (after 48 hours) gets a complete copy of current backup data.
Problem here is with expiration/reclamation - some tapes never go all the
way to "empty", so periodically I schedule full backups (by updating co to
"absolute"), generating a fresh copy of primary data, so the old tapes
eventually go to "empty"... a couple weeks after the "full" backup.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Adams, Tracy [mailto:TAdams AT CVPS DOT COM]
Sent:   Tuesday, May 01, 2001 11:42 AM
Subject:        Re: Can I send one file to two pools?

I want to send the file to one pool for retention based on the data, but he
second copy I want for DR retention on a five day cycle.

This is all coming down to DR and hot site recovery... I am trying to ask
the questions simply instead of immediately broaching the $1,000,000
question of "how do you handle DR?"

