Re: client notification

2001-03-16 11:36:51
Subject: Re: client notification
From: "Pearson, Dave" <DCPearson AT SNOPUD DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:37:05 -0800
We created one that tells us what backup failed in the last 24 hours. Thanks
goodness most of the time it come back and say "All backups was successful"
(we created a script for this)

Dave Pearson
Snohomish County PUD
Everett, Washington
Production Control Analyst
dcpearson AT snopud DOT com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rushforth, Tim [SMTP:TRushfor AT CITY.WINNIPEG.MB DOT CA]
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:24 AM
> Subject:      Re: client notification
> You could also query the server activity log to see files that failed.  We
> do perl query like:
> if (/ANE4959I/ && !/Total number of objects failed:           0/)
> which gives us a line for each client (inlcuding the node name) that has 1
> or more failed files.  You could then send to the appropriate users.
> Tim Rushforth
> City of Winnipeg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:Wanda.Prather AT JHUAPL DOT EDU]
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:03 PM
> Subject: Re: client notification
> Part of the problem is, who is the "user".
> Under WinnT, scheduled backups generally run under the System account.
> Any
> USER account may or may not be logged on at the time backups are run.  On
> UNIX, the backups generally run as root.
> What we do is query the eventlog on the server end, and generate mail
> messages to be sent to users whose backups fail or miss.  That works if
> you
> have a way to map the TSM node names into mail ids.  But, it doesn't take
> into account any individual files that fail to back up, we really don't
> have
> a solution for that yet.
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