Re: ACO5422E with TDP for SQL Server v2.2

2001-03-12 09:57:14
Subject: Re: ACO5422E with TDP for SQL Server v2.2
From: Neil Schofield <Neil.Schofield AT YORKSHIREWATER.CO DOT UK>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 14:57:07 +0000
I've had a chance to test this on a few more systems. Empirical testing seems to
suggest it works successfully on any system where SQL Server has been installed
with the default code page and sort order.

For our SAP systems, we install SQL Server with codepage 850 and binary sort
order. This seems to cause a problem to TDP for SQL v2.2. Can anybody else
confirm this?

Neil Schofield

2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1    SQL Server's Unicode collation is:
2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1            'Binary Unicode Collation' (ID = 33280).

2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1    SQL Server's non-Unicode sort order is:
2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1            'bin_cp850' (ID = 40).
2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1    SQL Server's non-Unicode character set is:
2001-03-12 11:55:24.39 spid1            'cp850' (ID = 2).

---------------------- Forwarded by Neil Schofield/Technology/YWS/Yorkshire
Water on 12/03/2001 14:49 ---------------------------
Water on 12/03/2001 14:49 ---------------------------

Neil Schofield
12/03/2001 12:15

To:   ADSM-L AT vm.marist DOT edu
Subject:  ACO5422E with TDP for SQL Server v2.2

Can anybody help me with this?

I've just received the TDP for SQL Server v2.2 release and installed it on a
test box (SQL Server v7.0 SP3, NT 4 SP6a). Below are the results of my attempts
to perform a full backup of the Master database. I get the same error on all
databases. Where am I going wrong?


Neil Schofield

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql>tdpsqlc backup master full

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server
Version 2, Release 2, Level 0.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2001. All rights reserved.

Starting SQL database backup...

Total SQL backups selected:               0
Total SQL backups attempted:              0
Total SQL backups completed:              0
Total SQL backups excluded:               0
Total SQL backups inactivated:            0

Throughput rate:                          0.00 Kb/Sec
Total bytes transferred:                  0
Elapsed processing time:                  0.00 Secs

ACO5422E Received the following from the MS SQL server:
[SQL-DMO]The name 'Unicode locale ID' was not found in the ConfigValues collecti
on.  If the name is a qualified name, use [] to separate various parts of the na
me, and try again. Microsoft SQL-DMO (HRESULT:0x80045510)

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