Re: Symbolic link on Unix

2000-12-08 14:51:35
Subject: Re: Symbolic link on Unix
From: Shekhar Dhotre <Shekhar.Dhotre.B AT BAYER DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 14:52:01 -0500
# ls -la per*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     system      4584 Dec 08 14:50 perl1
# chmod 777 per*
# chmod 777 per*
# perl per*
syntax error at perl1 line 14, near "if"
syntax error at perl1 line 18, near "}"
Execution of perl1 aborted due to compilation errors.

"DDA.RFC-822=ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 12/08/2000 
02:45:51 PM
Please respond to "DDA.RFC-822=ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU/P=Internet/A= /C=us" 
@ X400
To: "DDA.RFC-822=ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400

Subject: Re: Symbolic link on Unix

>12/05/00   19:00:38 ANS1194E Specifying the schedule log
>'/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log' as a symbolic link is not

Ron - I wonder if one of the subdirectories in that path is a symbolic
      link.  Below is a handy-dandy Perl program I wrote which makes
it easy to discern path elements.
  Richard Sims, BU
# follow-path -- to follow the elements of a path name and report on each.
# INVOCATION:  follow-path {path_name}
#    1993/04/01  Created by Richard Sims

#________________________Evaluate invocation arguments_______________________
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0)
   print("No invocation arguments supplied; need path name.\n");

if (scalar(@ARGV) > 1)
   print("Too many invocation arguments supplied; need just path name.\n");

$arg_path = $ARGV[0];     # Grab the one invocation argument.

#__________________________Mainline processing______________________________
print "\nFollowing path '",$arg_path,"'...\n\n";

# Split the path name into slash-delimited tokens:
@path_elements = split(/\//,$arg_path);
$elements_count = @path_elements;   # Obtain count of elements obtained.

# For report formatting, find the length of the longest path element:
$max_element_length = 0;
foreach $path_element (@path_elements)
   $l = length($path_element);
   if ($l > $max_element_length) { $max_element_length = $l; }
$max_element_length += 2;   # Allow for quotes around element.

# Report the separate elements:
$path = "";   # To start.
# Put out header:
printf("  %-${max_element_length}.${max_element_length}s  ".
 "____TYPE__________  ____OWNER_____  ____GROUP_____   OTHER\n"," ");

for ($i = 0; $i < $elements_count; $i++)
   $path_element = @path_elements[$i];   # Extract, for efficiency.
   # The first of the path elements will be null if the path name entered
   # began with a slash, in which case we bypass the null.
   if (length($path_element) > 0)
      # Now accumulate the latest token to our path:
      $prior_path = $path;
      $path = $path.'/'.$path_element;
      if (! -e $path)
         print("Path '",$path,"' does not exist; quitting.\n");
         #print("  In path '",$path,"':\n");
         # Put out common beginning of line, to be completed later:
         printf("  %-${max_element_length}.${max_element_length}s: ",
          $st_atime,$st_mtime,$st_ctime,$st_blksz,$st_blocks) = lstat($path);

         #_________________________Evaluate element type________________________
         if    (($st_mode & 0xc000) == 0xc000) { $type = "socket            "; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0xa000) == 0xa000) { $type = "symbolic link     "; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { $type = "plain file        "; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { $type = "block special file"; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { $type = "directory         "; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { $type = "char special file "; }
         elsif (($st_mode & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { $type = "fifo (named pipe) "; }
         else                                  { $type = "unknown           "; }
         ($user_name) = getpwuid($st_uid);
         ($group_name) = getgrgid($st_gid);
         $other_mode = chop($privs);

         #_______________________Evaluate privs symbology_______________________
         $privs_triplet = sprintf("%03o",$st_mode & 0x1ff);
         for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++)
            $priv_octal = substr($privs_triplet,$j,1);
            if    ($priv_octal == "7")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "rwx"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "6")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "rw-"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "5")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "r-x"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "4")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "r--"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "3")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "-wx"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "2")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "-w-"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "1")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "--x"; }
            elsif ($priv_octal == "0")  { @privs_rwx[$j] = "---"; }
         printf("%s  %-10s %s  %-10s %s

         # For a symbolic link, show where it leads:
         if (($st_mode & 0xa000) == 0xa000)
            $sym_link = readlink($path);
            printf("  %-${max_element_length}.${max_element_length}s  to
             " ",$sym_link);
            $path = $prior_path.'/'.$path_element;
   }  # end of for-loop.
print("\n");   # Some visual delineation before Unix prompt.
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