Re: What Level OS/390 MVS Server?

2000-11-14 07:06:07
Subject: Re: What Level OS/390 MVS Server?
From: "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <Matt.Cooper AT AMGREETINGS DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 06:59:04 -0500
I have recently installed TSM for the first time in our shop.  We put TSM
4.1 on OS390 2.7.  As a rule I always put in the most recent release.  Two
things I saw on 4.1 that grabbed my attention.  One is the support for
Os390's Unix System services at (os390 2.8).  Before that there is no GUI
interface.  The second is the support of our remote clients using subfile
backups.  I haven't got all the regular servers in production yet so I
haven't had a chance to use either of these features yet.  But I know they
are part of the plan.
        The only problem I had is with using the USERTEXT EXIT it was giving
me garbage.  They had a fix for it and a bunch of other things that I didn't
see.  I believe I am now at 4.1.1.

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