Reporting with SQL

2000-09-11 07:19:47
Subject: Reporting with SQL
From: Stefan Holzwarth <Stefan.Holzwarth AT ZENTRALE.ADAC DOT DE>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 13:19:54 +0200

since the TSM Database knows nearly everything about the files on our
clients (NT Servers)
 I though it would be a good idea to do some reporting with sql about
distribution of different file types   - i. e. how many avis, mp3 are
there around , how much volumina....   
how old are the files on the NT servers and how long aren't they

The first one is easily done by SQL
The second one needs information about fileattributes and here is the
problem: How to access fileattributs information.
There should be a solution since the Backupclient has also access to this
information without retrieving the files.

Can I use sql or do I have to use the Backupclient-API?

With Regards

Stefan Holzwarth
Stefan Holzwarth
ADAC e.V. (Rechenzentrum, Produktionsplanung und Organisation)
Am Westpark 8, 81373 München Tel.: (089) 7676-5212, Fax: (089) 76768924

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