Re: Restore

2000-09-07 09:23:37
Subject: Re: Restore
From: "Ford, Phillip" <Phillip.Ford AT SPCORP DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 09:23:36 -0400
You wrote in the below command for the source

-fromnode=medrs2    /ora01/apps//oracle/admin/ACWT/pfile/initACWT.ora
shouldn't be
shouldn't be

-fromnode=medrs2    /ora01/app/oracle/admin/ACWT/pfile/initACWT.ora
And the destination form command
And the destination form command


from below ls it should be


The directory ...ACWP... does not exist and this is what I was referring to.
Also if you gave us the command right, the source does not exist either due
to the ...apps...

Phillip Ford

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