Re: Mac CLient 3.1 and 3.7

2000-07-14 13:13:23
Subject: Re: Mac CLient 3.1 and 3.7
From: Chong Ng <cyng AT FEDEX DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 11:13:23 -0600
You can try put in "PASSWORDACCESS    generate" into your dsm.sys file

Todd Zenker wrote:

> Hello
> I'm having memory leak problems with ADSM 3.1.  I have already increased
> the memory on the daemon and the scheduler.  When it ask to abort and you
> say yes,  it will automatically throw you out of any other programs that
> you having running.  Big problem.
> Also having problems installing 3.7 for the Mac.  The pasowrd still does
> not want to be saved.
> Thanks
> Todd E. Zenker
> ACS - Affiliated Computer Services
> ODIN Contract - Goddard Space Flight Center
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