Re: Problems with scheduler

2000-05-19 22:40:53
Subject: Re: Problems with scheduler
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 22:40:53 -0400
>My apologies, after further checking dsmc sched is not running.  If i start it
>in the foreground the client asks me to log into the server.  passwordaccess is
>set to generate.  If i leave it running in the foreground it gets the
>schedules.  If i do a nohup dsmc sched 2> /dev/null & the process does not stay
>running.  I suspect because it it asking for a login in the background.  How
>does it store that information?

Mark - With a Generate type password, the client should store it locally
       (each client type socking it away in its own appropriate place,
like /etc/security in the case of AIX).  But it will do that only if the
invoker is the superuser, who has the permissions to write into such areas.
Thereafter, each client access gets the password from that secure area and
should not ask for it.  Make sure also that your password expiration period
is as desired.
    Richard Sims, BU
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