Re: DFS bak and buta utilities

2000-03-10 02:50:16
Subject: Re: DFS bak and buta utilities
From: "H.G.Borrmann" <borrmann AT IBM1.RUF.UNI-FREIBURG DOT DE>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 08:50:16 +0100
> Hi All,
>      Can anyone help me esteemed colleage with the questions below
> concerning backing up DFS filesets via buta?
> Please be sure to include Stephen on any replys:
> >   I have a couple of questions about the ASDM buta utility for DFS.
> >
> > 1.  Does the "bak" database still need to be backed up, or is all the needed
> > backup information recorded on the ADSM server?  (This implies that during
> > disaster recovery, we don't have to worry about reloading the bak server's
> > database ("bak restoredb") before doing "bak restoredisk" commands.)
> >

It is still needed, because buta is only a replacement for the tape handling
part of the DFS backup mechanism. All backup and restores are governed by the
backup database of the DFS servers.

> > 2.  If the "bak" database does need to be backed up, how should we do
> > that?

I do it with the normal ADSM.

|H.G.Borrmann                           |Tel.: (0761) 203-4652            |
|Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Freiburg|Fax:  (0761) 203-4643            |
|Hermann-Herder-Str. 10                 |email:                           |
|D79104 FREIBURG                        |borrmann AT ruf.uni-freiburg DOT de    
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