backing up DB2 with TSM 3.7 on NT

2000-03-08 04:09:11
Subject: backing up DB2 with TSM 3.7 on NT
From: Petra Peters <petra.peters AT SOTEC DOT NET>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 09:09:11 GMT
I have a big problem backing up DB2 databases with TSM 3.7.Inside DB2 I set
the recovery option  to use ADSM and to use the right management class.
When issuing the backup command, every time error SQL2062N is reported and
dsierror.log reports: dsm.opt file not found. The environment variables
where controlled bey different people and are correct.
A backup with the tsm client is possible and runs without errors. What
about API configuration, is there anything to do on NT
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Petra Peters
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