ADSM performance

1999-09-10 07:34:03
Subject: ADSM performance
From: Chris De Bondt <Chris.De.Bondt AT DVVLAP DOT BE>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 13:34:03 +0200

Sorry to bother you all with this on a friday afternoon, but I have a
question concerning fysical network capacity and ADSM perfomance.
We run ADSM V3.1 on OS/390, to back up NT and Novell Netware clients.
The communication protocol we use is TCP/IP, and the fysical connection
mainframe to LAN are 2 16Mbit OSA-connections. Our network people tell
me I should get a theoretical maximum of 4 GB per hour thoughput on both
these connections, and I measure at best 2 GB per hour for any one ADSM
operation, which means ADSM utilizes (in our specific situation of
course) about 50% of the available bandwith.

Now here's the question: I want to add one 100Mbit OSA connection to
this configuration, assigned exclusively to ADSM, but my manager (as
manager often do) won't come up with the money unless I can give him
some specific estimates of the performance we'll be able to achieve with
this. Anybody got any idea what we can expect, which bottlenecks (other
than the capacity of the network) we'll experience, anybody out there
using an 100 Mbit OSA connection and has an idea what throughput they're
getting ? All ideas are welcome !

Many thanks,

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