Re: Veritas vs. ADSM

1999-07-31 13:46:07
Subject: Re: Veritas vs. ADSM
From: "Kelly J. Lipp" <lipp AT STORSOL DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 11:46:07 -0600
And if anyone is using their OpenVMS client I'd like to hear about that as

We've seen little of Veritas in our situations and we've seen many
situations.  But I suspect that might change.  A large number of ADSM folks
from San Jose wound up at Veritas a little over a year ago.  Some went to
Legato as well, but we hear from them much less.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949
lipp AT storsol DOT com

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