Re: ADSM - Assessing the ADSM DB

1999-05-26 02:44:36
Subject: Re: ADSM - Assessing the ADSM DB
From: Andreas Buser <Andreas.Buser AT BASLER DOT CH>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 08:44:36 +0200
1) The whole DB is saved and also the delta from the log.
   Why save a mirror? One copy is enough.
   It's ok for recovery.

2) Do you really want to print millions of records with IDCAMS??? Why do
yo want that??

Mark Owens wrote:
> Environment : ADSM Server  - O/S 390 1.3.0 (Plan to go to ADSM V3)
>                      Clients - many of the flavors
> Hi fellow ADSMers,
> With all these questions about the ADSM DB I began to wonder.............
> 1) When you backup the DB, is the "primary" DB backed-up, the "mirrored"
>      DB backed-up or BOTH? If I issue the following:
>      what do I back-up?
> 2) Our database is mirrored (syncronized) with log recovery normal,
>     the ADSM STC has enqueued the DB, therefore standard VSAM
>     utility operations (IDCAMS PRINT) can't be used against the DB.
>     The DB is VSAM linear so LISTCAT should show zero for REC-TOTAL.
>     Aside from shutting down the STC to run IDCAMS, whats the best
>     way to ensure DB records exist in the SYNCRONIZED (mirrored-copy)
>     of the DB? (Just because the GUI says its synch'd doesn't satisfy moi!)
> Mark Owens
> Prodigy Communications Corporation


Kind Regards
Andreas Buser

Tel: ++41 61 285 73 21  Fax: ++41 61 285 70 98

Email: Andreas.Buser AT Basler DOT ch

Basler Versicherungsgesellschaft
Andreas Buser
Abt. Informatik
Aeschengraben 21
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