I: ABEND while running ADSM on a NW5 Server

1999-05-15 20:57:43
Subject: I: ABEND while running ADSM on a NW5 Server
From: Rick Smith <richard.smith.hs45 AT STATEFARM DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 19:57:43 -0500

What service pak are you running??  There is an open APAR with IBM on SP 1.
The version of SMDR that it comes with is not compatable with ADSM.  IBM's
solution is to back date your version of SMDR to the version that came with
NW5 base install or update to SP 2 when available.

Rick Smith

on 05/15/99 04:12:40 PM
To:   ADSM-L
Subject:  ABEND while running ADSM on a NW5 Server

Hi all,

I am running ADSM on a NW5 server.

We installed the server yesterday and I installed the software, and
5 minutes after the server started to perform the backup, I had an Abend on
the server with the parameters at the end of this email.

Does anyone have any idea as to why this occured, or what to check or do ?

I am in the process of upgrading all my servers from NW4.11 (on which the
software worked without fault) to NW5, and it is very important I get this
up and running as soon as possible.

All help appreciated,


Server NS_IAA1 halted Saturday, May 15, 1999   9:42:18 pm
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.00c: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code
    CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
    EAX = D47035B4 EBX = 0032532F ECX = D47035B4 EDX = 00325391
    ESI = 00000E43 EDI = 00000000 EBP = D47035B4 ESP = D4703354
    EIP = D1775492 FLAGS = 00010286
    D1775492 8A3E           MOV     BH,[ESI]=?
    EIP in THREADS.NLM at code start +0001D492h

Running process: DSMC.NLM        1 Process
Created by: NetWare Application
Thread Owned by NLM: DSMC.NLM
Stack pointer: D4703130
OS Stack limit: D46D66E0
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050090  (Wait for interrupt)
Stack: --D47036F6  ?
       --0032534F  ?
       D468F5DF  ?
       --D47035B4  ?
       --00000E43  ?
       --D487EDAB  ?
       --D487EDAB  ?
       --00000064  ?
       -D46D10A4  (DSMC.NLM|(Data Start)+A0A4)
       --D483CFB0  ?
       --00000001  ?
       D468E8B6  ?
       --00000008  ?
       --D4840291  ?
       --D4840295  ?
       --D47035B4  ?
       --D47036B8  ?
       --D4840289  ?
       D46A2F30  ?
       --D483CFB0  ?
       --D47033B0  ?
       --D47035B4  ?
       --D47036B8  ?
       --49414D2F  ?
       --32442F4C  ?
       --30303130  ?
       --00003130  ?
       FC01294A  (SERVER.NLM|SchedSwitch+23E)
       --D47BD3C0  ?
       --D47BD3C0  ?
       --00000064  ?
       -D46D10A4  (DSMC.NLM|(Data Start)+A0A4)

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in THREADS.NLM.  The
problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module by a process
owned by DSMC.NLM.


Mike Glassman
System Admin
Israeli Airports Authority
Ben-Gurion Airport

Tel : 972-3-9710785
Email : admin AT DOT il

Usage of this email address or any email address at for the
purpose of sales pitches, SPAM or any other such unwanted garbage, is
illegal, and any person, whether corporate or alone doing so, will be
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