Re: Starting a Copy Storage Pool for DR

2015-10-04 17:43:35
Subject: Re: Starting a Copy Storage Pool for DR
From: James SPORER
     I wouldn't do that, assuming your copypool tapes are offsite, the only
     time you would use these devices is when you are creating offsite
     copies.  Reclamation for offsite volumes is done from onsite copies.
     I would have one device class and let adsm manage the devices.
     james.sporer AT doit.wisc DOT edu

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Starting a  Copy Storage Pool for DR
Author:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU>  at IPNET
Date:    5/4/99 3:30 PM

Creating separate Dev Class for Copy Storage pool will be the best solution
so you can have dedicated drives availabel for copy storage pool.


Nilesh Patel.
Merrill Lynch

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Galvin, Laura L. [SMTP:LLGalvin AT LEGGMASON DOT COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 2:50 PM
> Subject:      Starting a  Copy Storage Pool for DR
> I am starting an Offsite Copy Storage Pool for disaster recovery,  should
> I
> create a separate dev class for the ease of management and also so the
> primary stgpool and the offsite stgpool will not compete for scratch
> tapes?
> This way I could dedicating 2 drives to the copy stgpool, which I believe
> I
> can afford to do.  What do you think?
> Site information:
> ADSM server v3.1.2.13
> 28 clients
> Total physical stored in primary stgpool - 2,578,512MB
> STK 9714 - 100 Slots DLT7 tapes
>     6 - DLT7000 tape drives
> Laura Galvin
> llgalvin AT leggmason DOT com
> 410 454 3608
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