Re: Antwort: Re: Strange Error Deleting a Disk Volume

1999-04-28 08:12:13
Subject: Re: Antwort: Re: Strange Error Deleting a Disk Volume
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:12:13 -0400
>You can perform an audit on-line ie without taking the server down by doing an 
>...We found out this one from IBM support...

This is not documented in the Administrator's Reference manual and so is
ostensibly a developer's service aid of some kind, unsupported for customer
usage.  We'd like to have someone from IBM chime in and give some perspective
on this...  How much should we depend upon this?  How effective is it relative
to the documented standalone AUDIT DB?  Under what conditions should it be
used by a customer (as in perhaps running it only when there are no sessions
or processes active)?  I'd be very wary of simply going ahead and using this
without details and ramifications.  This is not like a SHOW command - this
one can alter your database.
   thanks,  Richard Sims, Boston University OIT