Querying for backup files with SQL

1999-04-15 11:30:32
Subject: Querying for backup files with SQL
From: Gerhard Rentschler <g.rentschler AT RUS.UNI-STUTTGART DOT DE>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 17:30:32 +0200
I'm about to investigate a problem I have with expire inventory. The
trace shows as last line before the loop:

<43>imexp.c(1212): Expiration Examining the folowing entry:
   (663)(2)(1)(1)(1)(0/0/0 0:0)(0.54681204)

Does anyone know the meaning of the numbers in the second line?
My guess is that the last group without "0." is the object id. I tried
to use an sql statement to get information about this object. It
obviously scans the whole db sequentially for this record. Is there a
better (i.e. faster) way to get the same information, e.g. a show
command? Is it possible to find the information without having to know
whether it is a backup, archive or space management object?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards
Gerhard Rentschler            email:g.rentschler AT rus.uni-stuttgart DOT de
Gerhard Rentschler            email:g.rentschler AT rus.uni-stuttgart DOT de
Regional Computing Center     tel.   ++49/711/685 5806
University of Stuttgart       fax:   ++49/711/682357
Allmandring 30a
D 70550
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