Re: Volume State

1999-03-26 20:36:46
Subject: Re: Volume State
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:36:46 PST
I don't use DRM.   But from what I understand, I have to change
status=offsite to status=readwrite when a copypool tape comes back and
the reusedelay amount has come and gone.  If the reuse time window passes
and I've not changed offsite to readwrite then the tape goes from PENDING
to EMPTY (go figure).  And as soon as I change offsite to readwrite it
gets deleted from the copypool list.   Then I guess I can re use it.
... joe.f.

SPGJAF @ CMSA.Berkeley.Edu    also ... USUCA886 @ IBMMAIL via x.400
University of Calif. at Berkeley  510-642-7638 (work) 524-3872 (home)

On Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:42:00 -0500 you said:
>Hi -
>I have a new problem that has come up for the past 3 weeks or so, none of
>my tapes have changed to the "vaultretrieve" state when i do a q drm.
>all in the copypool
>are marked ACCESS/OFFSITE - all in the tapepool are marked READ/WRITE,
>1 tape is marked UNAVAILABLE.
>how long should they remain as OFFSITE? where does this get defined?
>i only have an 18 tape library, and many more than that are "stuck" in
>the vault.
>i would think they should be re-used after a while
>i know this isn't right, i just don't know enough about ADSM yet to
>what i'm doing wrong.  I appreciate any help on this.
>Thanks, Tom
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