Re: ADSM an NT-Server or NT-Workstation

1999-03-25 08:53:45
Subject: Re: ADSM an NT-Server or NT-Workstation
From: Nathan King <nathan.king AT USAA DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 07:53:45 -0600
There are a lot of minor differences between NT Workstation and Server most
related to memory tuning.

However the basic workings of the kernel are the same..

If you want a full technical rendition check out Mark Russovich's article.


        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Andreas Peikert [SMTP:apeikert AT AMADEUS DOT NET]
        Sent:   Thursday, March 25, 1999 7:09 AM
        Subject:        Re: ADSM an NT-Server or NT-Workstation

        Hi Walter,

        as far as I know, Schulman et al. have published some books
        on the 'Undocumented Windows' topics, where in one of those
        (as I remember) was stated, that the code of both WinNT
        workstation and server are identical or at least there is
        no restriction from the code to have just 10 connections to
        the outside world.
        For example in case Your workstation has more than 10 open
        connections, none will be terminated and all of these will
        stay up and keep working.
        At least this is my knowledge, but it may be outdated as it
        is back from 1996-1997 when NT 4.0 came out.

        The issue with WinNT workstation and server is more or less
        not the technical side, but the license of the WinNT product.
        The workstation license does not allow more than 10 'incoming'
        connections, but the server does. Well, as of my knowledge,
        there is no exact way of determining on the side of the IP
        stack, what is 'incoming' and what is 'outgoing', but You
        know for what You install and run the product.

        On the other hand: If the workstation license permits, then
        You might want to consider proper scheduling of more than 10
        clients - but all at a different time.
        That also depends on the feasibility of this solution (i.e.
        You will have to ensure, that no license problem will arise
        at any given point in time).

        Considered that the server documentation is more comprehensive
        (if still included in the base product price ...),
        I think that in the end it will be always safer and not much
        more expensive to run the WinNT server.

        Best regards

        Andreas Peikert, Systems Programmer
           aMaDEUS Data Processing GmbH
           P.O. Box,   D-85424 Erding,   Germany
           Fon: +49 (0)8122 43-5805
           Fax: +49 (0)8122 43-3260
           email: apeikert AT amadeus DOT net

        <* save a megabyte - do you really have to file this note *>
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