Re: ADSM SQL scripts.

1999-02-10 17:57:54
Subject: Re: ADSM SQL scripts.
From: Joel Fuhrman <joelf AT CAC.WASHINGTON DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:57:54 -0800
You can use a "macro <dsmserver_file>.scripts" command to load them while
the server is up.  If I remember, I had to remove the "del server" lines and
backslash some asterisks to get them to load.

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Trevor Foley wrote:

> Hi Jerry,
> If you are running ADSM server 3.1.2.?, there is a whole stack of sample SQL
> scripts that are providing, but you have to manually load them, and
> unfortunately it must be done while the server is down.
> In the ADSM server directory you will find a file called scripts.smp. Load
> this by doing the following:
> - Shut down your ADSM server
> - dsmserv runfile scripts.smp (or is that dsmserv runfile=scripts.smp??)
> - Restart the server
> regards,
> Trevor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Caupain [mailto:j.caupain AT AMSTERDAM DOT NL]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 4:35 AM
> Subject: ADSM SQL scripts.
> Hello everyone,
> I was lookin' for some ADSM SQL scipts. ( Management wants me to do some
> reporting......) Since I have no clue what to report on I was wondering
> if some of you have some available. Since I'm desperate, I'd appreciate
> anything!!
> Well, thanx in advance,
> Jerry Caupain
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