Rubbish in FILEEXIT file

1998-11-06 08:57:07
Subject: Rubbish in FILEEXIT file
From: Chris Roelofs <Chris.J.Roelofs AT MAIL.ING DOT NL>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 13:57:07 +0000
     Hi all,

     I enabled some server events for the FILE receiver and now I see those
     events appear in the configured file. So far so good.

     When I try to grep on the file I get "Maximum line length exceeded".
     It looks like all events that occur between 'begin eventl file' and
     'end eventl file' are written on one line.
     I also note the appearance of a lot of null-characters in the file.
     Does anyone know why the server does not write one clean line per

     Server is on AIX 4.2.1

     Thank you,

     Chris Roelofs
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