Backup MacOS

1998-07-22 03:09:51
Subject: Backup MacOS
From: Eckhard Trinkaus <trinkaus AT HRZ.UNI-MARBURG DOT DE>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:09:51 +0200
Hello, ADSMers,

please help us to solve a problem with Backup for MacOS.

We are running ADSM Server (AIX 4.1.4),
               ADSM Clients  (MacOS 8.1D1).

A deleted file must be expired, and ADSM writes into dsmsched.log
the expected message
Expiring .... [Sent]

Nevertheless, later on this expiration is retried, and the expiration ends
with th following entry in dsmsched.log:
Expiring .... ** Unsuccessful **
ANS1304W Active object not found.

The entry in dsmaccnt.log for this backup has field11 = 1 (abnormal termination)

Thank you in advance
Eckhard Trinkaus

Eckhard Trinkaus
Hochschulrechenzentrum der Philipps-Universitaet Marburg
Hans-Meerwein-Strasse D35032 Marburg/Lahn
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Tel.:  +49 6421 281554 / Fax: +49 6421 286994
Email: trinkaus AT hrz.uni-marburg DOT de
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