Error log message: FioGetOne Entry():

1998-07-10 09:11:53
Subject: Error log message: FioGetOne Entry():
From: Chris Wagner <cwagner AT NMU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 09:11:53 -0400

I am using adsm 2.1 on two NT clients and on one I get the message in the
dmserror.log file:

FioGetOne Entry(): *** Access to NTFS file security info denied, file/dir
skipped ***

My include/exclude statements in my options file are:

Exclude *:*
Include d:\oraexp\*.*

As far as I can tell the files that I want backed up are getting backed up.
I have tried to find a reference to the error message but can't.

Does anyone know what this error means and if it's worth worrying about?

Thanks in advance!!

Chris Wagner
cwagner AT nmu DOT edu
AdIT Technical Services
Northern Michigan University
Marquette, MI  49855
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