Element address on HP DLT changer

1998-07-02 12:42:14
Subject: Element address on HP DLT changer
From: Ben Kokenge <ben AT EDMS DOT NET>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 11:42:14 -0500
I am setting up an NT 3.1 server to a HP 4448 DLT changer
with four drives.  I am trying to DEFINE drives and it is asking
for the ELEMENT parameter for my SCSI lib.

Question:  Can anyone tell me the ELEMENT numbers for the
four drives in a HP 4448 DLT library?  How does one find that
info out if it is not listed in the Admin Guid?  I guessed elements
1-4, but the "label wizard" is not working.  arg...

Thanks,   Ben
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