Processes created with the "dsmc sched"

1998-06-17 02:47:01
Subject: Processes created with the "dsmc sched"
From: Shira Hayun <shira AT TLV.IEC.CO DOT IL>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 09:47:01 +0300

Server: AIX 4.2
ADSM Server: v 3.1.0
Client: Solaris 2.5.0
ADSM Client: v 2.1.7

I have two processes that I don't understand their meaning:

 root   241 1  0 07:24:36 ?    0:00 /opt/IBMDSMsm5/bin/dsmrecalld
 root   251 1  0 07:24:37 ?    0:00 /opt/IBMDSMsm5/bin/dsmmonitord

They don't seem to take CPU but they do use ~1MB of memory each.

Does anyone know what it does, why do I need them for and how activated

Thank in advance,
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