Re: NT SQL Connect Agent

1998-04-20 13:30:49
Subject: Re: NT SQL Connect Agent
From: Chris Zaremba <zaremba AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:30:49 -0400

>So taking note of your original advice to copy the latest versions of the API
files ADSMV3.DLL and >DSCAMENG.TXT to the SQL connect agent directory, I copied
them from the exchange connect agent (NOT >the ones from the latest ADSM Client
code - PTF3).

>Lo and behold, this has fixed all the problems with the SQL scheduler service.

The fix to the ADSM API for handling ADSM passwords in the NT registry did
not make it into PTF 3 but it is available as a fixtest on the ADSM FTP server.
Please look in directory: adsm/fixtest/v3r1/win32/intel/   for files
api313b.exe and api313b.txt  on

The other option is to use the level of the API as distributed with the
Exchange Agent as you have done.

Sorry for the confusion.

Chris Zaremba
ADSM Agent Development
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