NT client talking to 2 different ADSM servers.

1998-01-30 08:12:58
Subject: NT client talking to 2 different ADSM servers.
From: Thomas Haddad <thaddad AT COLUMBIAENERGYGROUP DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 08:12:58 -0500
I want to take an NT client  and connect it to 2 ADSM servers (V2.1 on AIX) .I
want to pipe the basic filesystems to server 2. On server  1 we are already
using sqlbacktrack to backup database information due to the tape device that
is on it. How do I code the client?  Multiple OPT files?  or can I define each
server name with parameters in one single OPT file??
I was handed some advice earlier but 'lost' it. Please help if you can..
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  • NT client talking to 2 different ADSM servers., Thomas Haddad <=