Re: TCP/IP Problems

1998-01-21 09:54:43
Subject: Re: TCP/IP Problems
From: Virginia Hysock <Virginia_L_Hysock AT CSC DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 09:54:43 -0500

     The TCPIP maintenance recently applied included about 20 or so PTF's.
I could
list them all, if necessary.  However, IBM has come back to me this morning
with 2 PTF's
that are pertinent; one is UQ03848 - which has been frequently mentioned in
this listserv
and we have had applied since May 1997; also UQ11864 - which we do not have
We're going to try applying that today and see what happens.

     Those applied last week include:

     UQ03991  UQ04200  UQ04421  UQ04699  UQ04702  UQ05063  UQ05100
     UQ05247  UQ05513  UQ05515  UQP5566  UQ05683  UQ06295  UQ08395
     UQ09890  UQ11550  UQ12988  UQ12265*  UQ12317*  UQ12951*

*Added 1/20 in an attempt to resolve errors
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