Re: u452232

1997-12-29 18:35:29
Subject: Re: u452232
From: Bo Ossinger <ossinger AT WSU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 15:35:29 -0800
At 03:40 PM 12/29/97 -0500, Ann Courchaine wrote:
>     I am trying to find the ptf U452232 that is recommended for version
>3.1 in the READ THIS FIRST that comes with the product. I have searched on
>2 ftp sites and have not been able to locate it. I went to ibmlink to see
>if it actually exists and it does but unfortunately I am unable to download
>from there. Any help will be gratefully appreciated.

I'm looking for the same thing.  At I was able to find
U452223.  Typo, maybe?

Bo R. Ossinger                 email: ossinger AT wsu DOT edu
Washington State University    phone: 509-335-0920
Information Technology         fax:   509-335-6635,,,50920
Production Support Systems
PO Box 641222
Pullman, WA  99164-1222
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