Re: win95 registry restore ?

1997-12-11 17:29:27
Subject: Re: win95 registry restore ?
From: Pete Tanenhaus <tanenhau AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 17:29:27 -0500
Currently online registry backup is not available in the Win32 client running
on Windows 95  (it is available when running on NT).  Two files comprise the
Windows 95 registry: system.dat and user.dat.  These files may be backed as
normal files by ADSM but must be restored manually in the following manner:

              1. Restore these two files with ADSM to another location.

              2. Start Windows 95 in MS-DOS mode (can be done by pressing PF8
when Win95 is starting or by specifying when shutting down).

              3. Copy the files restored in step 1 to the original location.

               4. Restart Windows 95 normally (or just type WIN from dos mode).

I've had to do this on several occasions and it does work.  Also, providing
online registry support for Win95 is a know requirement that we will try to
address in a future release.

Pete Tanenhaus
ADSM Client Development
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