Re: 3590 Tape Performance

1997-11-15 13:12:11
Subject: Re: 3590 Tape Performance
From: Ray Pratts <pratts AT IBM DOT NET>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 12:12:11 -0600

I have seen as high as 10 MB/sec.  I think the drives are rated at 9
MB/sec. However, the performance depends on many factors.

Ray Pratts

Pinnacle Computer Solutions, Houston, Tx
Phone:  281-272-8932
e-mail: pratts AT ibm DOT net

Kelly J. Lipp wrote:
> Anyone:
> What sort of data rates are you seeing writing information from AIX RS6000 to 
> 3590 tape drives?
> Is 3 MB/Sec a reasonable expectation?  I'm writing from an SSA RAID array.
> Thanks,
> Kelly
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