Tom Franks/T114B02/GOODYEAR/US is out of the office.

1997-11-04 01:09:01
Subject: Tom Franks/T114B02/GOODYEAR/US is out of the office.
From: Bruno Friess <bfriess AT DE.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 06:09:01 +0000
                   Status Distribution November 03, 1997 05:58:41

The message regarding "Tom Franks/T114B02/GOODYEAR/US is out of the office."
sent on November 03, 1997 05:58:41 was sent by

Status Recipient
          Type                To
          Native Name         ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU
          Foreign Native Name ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU\n\n\nINTERNET


Status Reporters
          Type                From
          Name Domain         NOTES
          Native Name         CN=Bruno Friess/OU=Germany/O=IBM@IBMDE
          Foreign Native Name CN=Bruno Friess/OU=Germany/O=IBM\nIBMDE\n\n
          Organization        IBM
          Org Unit 1          Germany
          Last Name           Friess
          First Name          Bruno

Status          769
Explanation     Invalid recipient

X.400 Status    769
Explanation     Router: Unable to open mailbox file D12HUBM1/12/H/IBM
Server not responding
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