Re: NT client

1997-10-09 12:59:16
Subject: Re: NT client
From: Daniel Thompson <thompsod AT USAA DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 11:59:16 -0500

  Depending on the NT client version you are running, you will have to
implement ADSM as a service differently.

 If you are running or greater, ADSM is a 32-bit product that comes
with a service installation program called dsmcsvci.exe.  See the readme
files for specifics on installation.

If you are running an earlier version it is a 16-bit product that requires
the use of a utility found in the NT resource kit called SRVANY.EXE.  The
doc to use this can be found in various readme files from ADSM and the
resource kit.

Feel free to send me an e-mail with any questions.

Good luck,
  Dan T.

> From: Bonnie Goins <bgoins AT USS DOT COM>
> From: Bonnie Goins <bgoins AT USS DOT COM>
> Subject: Re: NT client
> Date: Thursday, October 09, 1997 10:10 AM
> Is this accomplished on the client or server side?  Our documentation
> states that ADSM cannot be run as a service!
> Thanks for the clarification!
> Bonnie
> Trevor.Foley AT BANKERSTRUST.COM DOT AU on 10/08/97 06:29:14 PM
> Please respond to ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU
> cc:    (bcc: Bonnie Goins/Headquarters/USX)
> Subject:  Re: NT client
> Trevor Foley@BT_AUSTRALIA
> 09/10/97 08:29 AM
> Hi Sharon,
> Unless I am missing something, you don't have ADSM running as a service.
> Having it autostart at login is quite different to having something run
> a service.
> To get ADSM running as a service, you need to run the DSMCSVCI.EXE
> which is located in your ADSM BACLIENT directory. This will install the
> ADSM scheduler as a service so it will continue to run even if someone
> out.
> regards,
> Trevor
> > I have an NT 3.1 client that runs adsm as a service.  I have it auto
> starting when the machine is logged in as
> > administrator. However, all too often, the machine gets logged out and
> back in as some other user. Of course adsm
> > does not work at this point.  Our NT administrator wants to know:
> > If the remote devices could be backed up by UNC name as opposed to
> mapping them to the machine.
> > My next option is to try logging into the machine as ADSM, mapping the
> drives to that user then logoff the console
> > and see if the backups work correctly
> > Does anyone else have this problem or any insight? I look forward to
> hearing from you.
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