Re: NT questions

1997-09-10 07:53:10
Subject: Re: NT questions
From: Dave Barber <dbarber AT FORD DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 07:53:10 -0400
Dan - just what I was looking for. Thanks very much.


More detail:

We have a number of NT servers which are ADSM clients. The NT
workstations which access these servers run the ADSM client
which resides on the NT server. The problem was, with multiple
users accessing a single client, how to restrict functions
such as change password.

> From: Daniel Thompson <thompsod AT USAA DOT COM>
> Dave,
>    Consider the options described below.
> Dan T.
> ----------
> > From: Dave Barber <dbarber AT FORD DOT COM>
> >
> >     Does anyone have a method of disabling the change password
> > function on the GUI client?
> I have some question on what the ADSM clients are on and where the users
> are accessing the backup client from.  Our servers are in a locked room.
> When we want a user to have backup/recover access to this server we install
> the client software on their workstation and define a node for that user.
> When then set the authority on the LAN server node to allow access to
> specific data by the user node.  The user node can then only see specific
> data and obviously cannot change the LAN server nodes password, only their
> own.
> >
> >
> >     Also, does anyone have any sort of solution to the problem
> > of icon proliferation - i.e. when you have fifty NT servers you
> > connect to, fifty icons (one for each server) becomes cumbersome.
> > Is there a better way of managing this, even a major shift in
> > implementation we could look at, in order to avoid this?
> Again, this answer may be totally off point as I do not know what machine
> has these fifty NT servers icons.  For our admins who need to be able to
> access any of the backup clients and their data we put together a little VB
> program that simply prompts for the node and password.  It then calls dsmc
> and passes the correct parms (-node and -password I think) and the client
> starts up for the correct node.
> If my answers were not what you were looking for, you might consider
> restating the questions.
> >
> > Thanks much,
> > David Barber
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