Re: question about postschedulecmd if backup command does run

1997-08-13 18:06:22
Subject: Re: question about postschedulecmd if backup command does run
From: Kelly Root <kroot1 AT TUELECTRIC DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 17:06:22 -0500
I have an WINNT database server with ESSBASE on it. There are 3 essbase
databases. The DBA wrote two scripts which are the preschedcmd and
postschedcmd. These works OK, but 2 of the 3 databases are small and the
3rd one is huge. What we would like to do is somehow backup the 2 smaller
databases, reopen those and then backup the larger database.  The reason is
that this server if the server is stilling backing up at 7:00am when
clients come in, then they can at least work with the 2 smaller databases.

Any suggestions?

Kelly Root
I/T Analyst,SR
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