IMPORT in Batch

1997-05-13 17:39:27
Subject: IMPORT in Batch
From: Julie Phinney <julphinn AT EMPHESYS.E-MAIL DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 17:39:27 EDT
Help!  I'm in the middle of exporting clients from one MVS server
to another. I just had 2 exports fail because they didn't continue
to the next line to find the next volser on my list:
  IMPORT NODE FILED=AL DEV=PASS VOL=312181,327079,327880,319663,322769,
It fails right after it finishes with 322769.
I'm executing IKJEFT01 to run the TSO Admin client in batch.  I tried
an X in column 72, and got an error right off RC=3 submitting the job.
Does anyone know how I can do this in batch and continue to the next
line?  THANKS!
Julie Phinney
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