Re: How can I get a list of files not backuped by ADSM?

1997-03-24 09:33:00
Subject: Re: How can I get a list of files not backuped by ADSM?
From: "Larimer, Dave" <Dave_Larimer AT KNE DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 07:33:00 -0700
        Please, if you would, include some details on the setup of your
operation.  When ADSM backs up a client, the individual client generates
a log of what ADSM backs up.  This log usually resides in the client
ADSM directory under the default name of dsmsched.log.  This will also
tell you what was not backed up.  If you need something other than this.
 Please specify.

        Dave Larimer
        Dave_Larimer AT kne DOT com
        ADSM administrator
        KNEnergy Inc.

>From:  Rita Groothuizen[SMTP:M.M.Groothuizen AT RC.RUG DOT NL]
>Sent:  Monday, March 24, 1997 3:00 AM
>Subject:       How can I get a list of files not backuped by ADSM?
>I want to get a list of files not backuped by ADSM, including the special
>etc. that are excluded in the first place.
>Does anyone know how to produce such a list?
>Thanx in advance,
>Rita Groothuizen
>Rita Groothuizen   RC/Rijks Universiteit Groningen
>E-mail: M.M.Groothuizen AT rc.rug DOT nl
>Tel:    050-3633381    Fax:    050-3633406