GUI NetWare client?

1997-03-20 16:47:28
Subject: GUI NetWare client?
From: Arian de Wit <a.dewit AT NIWA.CRI DOT NZ>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:47:28 NZST
Hi All,

This is really a question for the developers of the ADSM client for
NetWare, if they're listening.

When will we see a "GUI" client for NetWare (a la Legato NetWorker,
for instance)?

Thanks very much,


Arian de Wit, Network Administrator
NZ National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Box 11-115, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone (+64) 7-856 1769; Fax (+64) 7-856 0151
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