Re: NT 3.51 Scheduler Abort

1997-02-28 19:19:27
Subject: Re: NT 3.51 Scheduler Abort
From: Lori Simcox <lsimcox AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 16:19:27 PST
Hi Tom,

>02/20/1997 04:40:06  TransWin32RC():Win32 RC 234 from FioGetOneDirEntry(
>02/20/1997 04:40:06  ANS4031S Internal program error.  Please see your
>service representative.

This error usually indicates that the filenames are either too long
for NTFS (255 chars is the limit including the path) or the filenames
contain characters prohibitted in filenames for NTFS (?, ", /, \,
*, |, and :).  Try shortening or renaming those files - ADSM should
back them up.  Also, PTF 6 contains checks for illegal characters;
I'm not sure whether PTF3 does or not, but you might want to consider


Lori Simcox
ADSM Client Development
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